Vray Maya Mac Crackclcsfr

Table of Contents

VRayScatter For Maya is a plug-in for Maya which works with V-Ray rendering system. It is possible to create complicated scenes with a huge amount of objects easy and quickly with the aid of this plugin.

May 15, 2020 With powerful V-Ray Scene Intelligence, fully redesigned IPR, and 2X faster GPU production rendering, V-Ray Next is smarter, faster, and more powerful than ever. QUALITY Production-proven ray traced rendering with a full suite of tools to create professional photoreal imagery and animations. POWERRead More ». V-Ray is easy to deploy on any Windows, macOS, or Linux network. V-Ray licenses are floating and can be centrally served and locally checked out. And V-Ray Standalone allows for headless rendering across your render farm. V-Ray for Maya also includes two software development kits to customize your rendering workflow. Vray for Cinema 4D R18-19 v3.6.0. V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2019 V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2018 V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2017 V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2016.5 V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2016 V-RayNext v4.12.01 for Maya 2015 - Vray 3.60.04 for Maya 2018 VRay 3.60.04 for Maya 2017. V-Ray 3.1 for Maya, VRay 3.1. V-Ray 3.1 for Maya 2016, V-Ray 3.1 for Maya contains over 100 new and modified features, including support for. Visit us and download vray absolutely for free. Apple Mac OS X 10.4.9. Vray for maya 2013 32bit give. V-Ray is 3D model rendering software,.

Is it possible to render in vray using a gpu, with maya 2014 on a mac pro 2009 4,1?? Am currently using osx 10.11.6, and an Nvidia K5000 card. It starts to work, then after a minute, it stops rendering. I have updated it with all of the latest CUDA, and video card drivers.

Usually scenes in Maya with a great amount of even identical objects take a lot of space on HDD, consumes a lot of time for loading, and it is very hard to work with. VRayScatter For Maya is created to solve these problems.

The scene containing 500 000 identical objects created with Maya 2008 occupies 1400Mb of HDD space. Now, if it is created with VRayScatter For Maya and still containing the same 500 000 objects the scene can take just 250Kb.

The most exciting feature of VRayScatter For Maya is a quick generation of an array of objects right before rendering. Those very 500 000 objects are created in only 2 seconds before rendering.

Another outstanding VRayScatter For Maya ability is uploading and downloading from VRayProxy memory if needed (as and when necessary). This allows the application of polygon models without missing productivity and capacity of RAM. Animated objects support and animated VRayProxy support allows creating huge amounts of animated objects. Now with VRayScatter For Maya it is possible to create the whole forest of wind-shaken woods. The support of 64-bit systems and multi-core processing allows VRayScatter For Maya to create and render, for example, forest or even a city in a blink of an eye.

Operating system:

  • Mac OS X

Maya versions:

  • Windows: 2016, 2016.5, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
  • Linux: 2016, 2016.5, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

V-Ray versions:


  • User must be able to obtain root permissions (using sudo, for example) to install VRayScatter For Maya.


  • VRayScatter without activation supports only batch render from command prompt (render.exe or mayabatch.exe) and rendering with vray standalone.
  • For rendering from Maya GUI (render→batch render) activation is required

Version 3.x.x and 4.x now uses only one V-Ray plugin file and since version 4.514 installs only a module, so you have to remove old conflicting plugins:

  • Windows: uninstall previous version of VRayScatter For Maya using the uninstaller.
  • Linux: remove libvray_GeomRamProxy.so and libvray_TexVRayScatter.so from /usr/autodesk/maya<MAYA_VERSION>-x64/vray/vrayplugins/
  • OS X: remove libvray_GeomRamProxy.so and libvray_TexVRayScatter.so from /Applications/Autodesk/maya<MAYA_VERSION>/Maya.app/Contents/vray/vrayplugins/
  • DR nodes: manually remove libvray_GeomRamProxy.* and libvray_TexVRayScatter.*


Please, make sure that you've downloaded the latest version of the plug-in from our forum

To install the program you need to run the VRayScatterForMaya-<version>.exe with the administrator rights.

please note, since version 4.514, installs only a module

Don’t forget to quit Maya before you start the installation (please check Task Manager too for any running instances of Maya).

Read the license agreement carefully. If you accept the license the click “I Agree” otherwise press “Cancel”:

Choose Maya and V-Ray versions:

Check installation paths

Start Maya and enable Load and/or Auto load in Window → Settings/Preferences → Plug-in Manager for the VRayScatter plug-in.

Installation on Windows Rendering nodes

Batch Rendering

install same as workstation but without activation

or manually copy files

Distributed Rendering

Copy vray_VRayScatter.dll from MAYA_ROOTplug-insvrayscattervrayplugins to VRAY_STANDALONE/vrayplugins (or MAYA_ROOT/vray/vrayplugins) on render nodes.

(or whichever folder is used for loading vray plugins from, the folder is usually called /vrayplugins and locates within your V-Ray installation)

For example, from:



To uninstall VRayScatter use the uninstaller: Start menu > R&D Group > VRayScatter For Maya > Uninstall


please see:http://docs.rendering.ru/en:cerber-protection


Please, make sure that you've downloaded the latest version of the plug-in from our forum

Installation On Linux

Please, make sure that you've downloaded the latest version of the plug-in from our forum


Unpack the archive, open your preferred terminal application, obtain root permission

Installer has a graphical interface on all supported platforms:

or you can also run text installation mode

Select you Maya/V-Ray versions, files will be copied to the following folders according to your setup, e.g:


  • Change the installation paths depending on your setup
  • change paths in VRayScatterForMaya.mod file according to your environment, if needed

Installation On Linux Render Nodes

Batch Rendering

Same as for workstation, but without activation

Maya Mac Download

Run installer, extract files and then copy across rendernodes

And check .mod file for variables

Distributed Rendering


For V-Ray “Distributed Render” node installation you only need to copy V-Ray plugin file libvray_VRayScatter.so e.g :


To uninstall VRayScatter For Maya you have to manually remove all the installed files.

Activation on Linux

please see:http://docs.rendering.ru/en:cerber-protection

Installation on Mac OS X

Please, make sure that you've downloaded the latest version of the plug-in from our forum

Unpack the archive, open your preferred terminal application, obtain root permission and start coping files:

Select you Maya/V-Ray versions and copy the plugins. Here is an example for the default paths of Maya 2012 and V-Ray 2.2:

Install the Maya UI files:

Install the V-Ray texture description file:


  • Change the installation paths depending on your setup
  • # - means that command should be executed with root permissions

Installation On Mac OS X Batch Render Nodes

Change directory to where you have unpacked the archive:

Select you Maya/V-Ray versions and copy the plugins:

Install the V-Ray texture description file:

Installation On Mac OS DR Nodes

For V-Ray “Distributed Render” node installation you only need to copy V-Ray plugins:


To uninstall VRayScatter For Maya you have to manually remove all the installed files.

Activation on Mac OS X


Please make sure you always use the registration utility which is supplied with the particular version of VRayScatter For Maya.

Open your preferred terminal application and start the registration utility:

This will generate an VRayScatterForMaya_<UserName>_<Date>.id file on your Desktop.

Send this file to mail@rendering.ru (or your reseller). Please, attach copy of you receipt or order number to avoid any delays in communication.

In the nearest time (usually within 24 hours) you will get an email from us (or your reseller) with *.lic license file attached. Save this file on your hard disk.

Start again the registration utility with the path to the license file argument like:


or manually copy this file to ~/.config/RDGroup/VRayScatterForMaya.lic like this:

In case of license malfunction and errors (which can be caused by disk formatting, reinstallation of the operating system or components replacement) you are free to address the developer at any time. Please make sure you download latest version from our forum and generate new *.id file. Send it to mail@rendering.ru to get your updated *.lic file.

However, we reserve the right not to issue a new license in case of total replacement of a PC if the registration request is submitted more often than once in half a year.

ATTENTION! Please always try to email from the same email address you used when you purchased the plug-in. If we can’t find your e-mail address from which you sent the ID file in our database and there is no explanation and receipt or order number in you email, your request may not be processed!

Please always attach you receipt or order number to avoid any delays in communication.

VRayScatter Creation

  1. Select mesh or curve object you want to distribute objects at.
  2. In menu choose: Create → R&D Group → VRayScatter.
  3. VRayScatter bounding box and logo will appear. Use it to select VRayScatter.

User Interface

  1. Select objects to distribute (Mesh or VRayProxy) then select VRayScatter and press Add in «Scatter Objects» rollout. This will connect objects to the “scatterObject” attribute.
  2. If you have added multiple objects tweak the Probability parameter to make all objects visible or use menu Tools → “Auto Probability”.

Parameters Description


Scatter Objects rollout

  • Color – object's drawing color in viewport.
  • Probability – probability of the object's appearance.
  • Radius – radius of the collision sphere for the collision solving. Default value is 100% - that corresponds to the object size.
  • Height – addition offset of the collision sphere.
  • Penetration – sets the blur of the collisions border areas.
  • Mask color variance – threshold for colorful mask.
  • Hide From Render – hide original object from render.
  • Apply Geometry Transform


  • Amount – render objects amount.
  • UV Set -
  • Colorful - use colorful mask; this will place objects by the texture using object “Draw Color”.
    • Texture
    • Both
  • Texture – distribution mask texture. This could be any Maya texture.
  • Solve Collisions – solve scatter objects collisions.

Distribution Cache


    • Random
    • Pattern 1 - Pattern distribution uses UV-mapping to work, thus object must have proper UV-coordinates.
    • Pattern 3
  • Use Density – random position settings include only this one additional option. With it you can set the number of objects (Count) to be located at a single area unit (Per Square). The resulting number will also be fixed with ‘Max Count’ option. The area is defined by system units. It means that in the case when centimetres being used in system units one single object will fall within 1 square meter.
  • Per Square
  • Lock Offsets – when this option is enabled you will to control both U and V offsets simultaneously.
  • V Offset – V offset.


  • Use – quick control to enable/disable rotation features.
    • Attach
    • X, Z, Y
  • Align To Normal – align object to surface normal.
  • Random – random rotation (for each axis).
  • Texture – rotation texture. Red color represents rotation around X, Blue – Y, Green – Z. Color value 0.0 equals to rotation of 180 degrees to one direction, color value of 0.5 leaves the rotation state unchanged, color value of 1.0 makes the rotation of 180 degrees to another direction.
  • Use X, Y, Z – quick control to enable/disable rotation about each axis when using texture.
  • Texture contrast – quick control of texture contrast.


  • Use – quick control to enable/disable scale features.
  • Global From/To – global minimum/maximum scale. The actual scale will be a random value between From and To values.
  • Local From/To – per-axis minimum/maximum scale. The actual scale will be a random value between From and To values.
  • Texture – scale texture. Red color represents X scale, Blue – Y, Green – Z.
  • Max Scale – maximum scale that corresponds to the 1.0 color value.


  • Use – quick control to enable/disable offset features.
  • Along Normal – offset objects along surface normal.
  • From/To – minimum/maximum offsets. The actual offset will be a random value between From and To values.
  • Use Texture – Use offset texture.
  • Texture – offset texture. Red color represents X offset, Blue – Y, Green – Z.
  • Max Offset – maximum offset that corresponds to the 1.0 color value.

Slope Control

  • Invert
    • World Space
  • From/To
  • Invert


Distance to surface borders

  • Use – quick control to enable/disable surface border features.
  • Distance – maximum distance from object to surface border in which object parameters will be affected. Actual control parameter behaviour could be defined using Density and Scale ramps.
  • Affect Scale
    • Selected Position
    • Interpolation - None, Linear, Smooth, Spline
    • Selected position
    • Interpolation - None, Linear, Smooth, Spline

Distance to curve

  • Use – quick control to enable/disable curve border features.
  • Distance – maximum distance from object to curve in which object parameters will be affected. Actual control parameter behavior could be defined using Density and Scale ramps.
  • Affect Scale
  • Curve Border Density Ramp
    • Selected Value
  • Curve Border Scale Ramp
    • Selected Value

Mask curve

  • Use – quick control to enable/disable mask curve features.
  • Projection Plane
  • Mask Curve Attach – attaches selected curve.


  • Use – quick control to enable/disable camera features.
  • Use FOV – limits rendered objects to only that are seen from camera field of view. Could save some RAM.
  • Distance Far – distance from camera.
  • Affect Density – limits objects visibility to distance.


  • Use Light Linker - this feature will transfer Light Linker setup from objects used in scatter to instanced objects.
  • Use Subdivision / Displacement
  • Tint Texture - check VRayScatter Texture section for howto.
  • Visibility
  • Visible To Camera
  • Visible To Refractions
  • Render ID Mode
    • Instance Render ID
    • Unique Per Instance
    • Custom Object ID
    • Instance / Proxy Object ID
  • Motion Blur
    • Motion Blur and Velocity Channel
  • Use Rayserver Instancer (WIP, Next)

VRayProxy Animation

This feature works only when scattering VRayProxy and allows to assign different frame offset.

  • Offset From/To – From/To frame offset. Actual frame offset is a random value between From and To.
  • Use Offset Texture - use texture to drive frame offset; black = “Offset From” value, white = “Offset To” value.


    • None
    • Box
  • Draw Alpha
  • Logo color - color for the locator logo and bounding box.


This feature allows to “bake” scattered objects to real Maya objects. Use this feature very carefully because it could add too many objects to your scene.

    • Preview
  • Bake Type
    • Instance - new objects will be linked with one geometry.
  • Duplicate Input Connection


VRayScatter Texture

VRayScatter texture is used for color randomization of scattered objects.To use this feature do the following:

Setup VRayScatter:

  1. Enable “Use Tint Texture” option in VRayScatter's “Render” rollout.
  2. Setup “Tint Texture”. You could use any Maya texture to control color variance (like Noise or File)

Setup scattered object (this example uses diffuse color variance):


  1. Add “VRay Scatter Texture” to diffuse slot. “VRay Scatter Texture” is located in “Utilities” section in Maya textures.
  2. Add “Base Texture” to “VRay Scatter Texture” if needed

Now render your scene and look at color variance.

License error

if this is happens right after activation, please restart Maya

In case of license malfunction and errors (which can be caused by disk reformatting, re-installation of the operating system or components replacement) you are free to address the developer at any time by sending your request for a new *.LIC file to mail@rendering.ru.

Does not appear in create menu

  • Please make sure all files were placed into right folders.
  • Start Maya and enable Load and/or Auto load in Window → Settings/Preferences → Plug-in Manager for the VRayScatter plug-in.


Check your log for any errors, also from version 4.405.154 you can now setup environment variable ICUBE_DEBUG to 1, this will produce more info from VrayScatter

Other errors

Please make sure you download and install latest version from our forum

If this haven't solved the problem please contact us at mail@rendering.ru, by sending description of the problem together withthe following information:

  • Maya version
  • Some screenshots will be useful

This page provides information on the V-Ray Curvature Map.


Vray Maya Mac Crackclcsfr Tutorial

VRayCurvature is a texture that will effectively sample the underlying mesh for curves. A region around each shaded point gets sampled with additional rays (similar to VRayDirt) and all additional normals are averaged to get a smooth normal at the original point. This normal is used to compute the color. The color at each shaded point is a greyscale value: darker values are dents (or holes), lighter values are peaks. The parameters should be adjusted by trail and error since they generally depend on the scale used, hence the defaults might not be appropriate at all in some cases.

UI Path: ||Hypershade|| > Create panel > VRay section > Utilities > VRay Curvature

Vray Maya Mac Crackclcsfr Mac


Subdivs – Controls the number of samples around each shaded point.

Sample spread – Controls the radius of the sampled region.

Vray Maya Mac Crackclcsfr Download

Min/Max Output Color – An option to map the output colors to a range other than 0..1.Makes the output texture darker or lighter.

Scale – Adjusts the scale relative to which the curvature is measured.

Vray Maya Mac Crackclcsfr Iso

Threshold – Curvature values below this threshold are ignored and are shown as pure black. This focuses the curvature effect only around the most curved areas of the mesh.